Thursday, April 26, 2012

Some cool C# console applications

If you are new to C# and want to explore some cool features of this programming language, just mail with your short introduction and your purpose to me and  I will give you the link to download. The first three console application would demonstrate the object oriented programming in C#. If you want to explore more there is a Hangman game made using console application. Game description and screen-shots of the game is below:

Description of Hangman game:
I have always been interested in making games using different programming language such as C, C++, QBasic, Java, and Visual Basic. This time I decided to make this popular game using C# language to explore and face challenges in C#. I have tested this game many times and hopefully its bug free.  

Main Menu:
The main menu for this game is similar in operation as old DOS programs. It is entirely created using ASCII characters used for drawing box. Unfortunately, C# console application does not allow mouse events, so you cannot use mouse to select or click the menu items. The main menu consists of five items. You can view the description of each item on bottom-left corner of the screen. You can change category of words to guess using Categories menu. Also, you can turn sound on or off using Sound menu. These settings are saved and retained next time you open the game.

Game Play:
This is game play screen. Here you can see the chosen category in yellow colour. The words that you have to guess is from the particular category. You can also see how many words you have correctly guessed and how many of them are incorrect. You need to guess the word by pressing the alphabets in your keyboard. If your guess is correct it will appear there replacing - (dash) and if it is incorrect the body of a man appears at the base of the pole. You have ten chances, after that the man is suspended on the rope with pretty animation.

This is the about dialogue box. The game name is flashed with different colours; a kind of simple animation. Can you notice the shadows of the box, it is also present in Main Menu and Game screen. There is an amazing trick to display shadows in application like these. 

I hope after reading this you are interested in trying the game once and see the source code for the game. I have well documented the source code and its so easy to understand. You need Visual Studio 2010 to open the project files. Also, you need .NET Framework 3.5 or higher to run this game in your PC. If your PC meets the requirement just mail me I will send you the link.

See it in actions. Please comment after viewing this video.


  1. Nice game. Pls send code. Thanks!

  2. Hey !
    i'm french student, i have to do C# console project.

    Can you give me some exemple of code to do this beatiful console ?

